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According to conspiracy theorists, the Illuminati was originally formed by the Freemasons in Europe, 1776. During its genesis, the Illuminati's goal was to maintain an exclusive group of the intellectual and political elite. Today, it is said that the Illuminati is made up of the most famous musicians and celebrities who control major worldwide events, governments, and corporations. 
Beyoncé's rumored Illuminati affiliation first began with her husband, Jay Zand his signature hand sign that involves holding up your palms up in a triangle formation. Illuminati theorists believe that both hand symbols and triangles are dead giveaways of Illuminati-affiliation, making Jay Z seem like an obvious member.
In 2010 Rick Ross track, "Free Mason," Jay Z directly addresses this rumor in his verse: I said I was amazing, not that I'm a Mason/...I'm red hot, I'm on my third six, but a devil I'm not. However, this didn't stop Illuminati theorists from painstakingly analyzing all of Jay Z and Beyoncé's subsequent music videos in search of further clues.


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